Article on “Artrabbit” about the upcoming group show at Comme Ca Art

Not very long to go until the group show at the Lowry Hotel with Comme Ca Art. The exhibition opens on 25th November and runs until 5th January. For more information please take a look at the article on Artrabbit.

My work will be on display along with the following artists:
Andrew George Magee, David Hancock, David Lake, Iain North, Mike Dunababin, Rebecca Davy & Susan Massey.

Show at Mirabel Studios, Manchester

My work will be on display at Mirabel Studios over the course of the weekend (Sat 9th and Sun 10th). If you are about, then do pop along! My name isn’t on the promotional material since I have only just become involved over the past week! Hope to see you there.

My artwork will be located in Studio 6 along with Anthony Clarkson, Naomi Lethbridge and Stephen Ashdown.

“Drawing exhibition”, RPN North West (Art and Design)

I will be taking part in a drawing exhibition organised by the Regional Progression Network in Art and Design at the start of November. My scalpel drawing was created in response to the question “How can/does the artists practice respond, mirror or compare to the formal structure of an essay?”.