Selected for HOME’s Manchester Open 2024

I am thrilled to announce that I have been selected for the Manchester Open 2024 at HOME. My work will be on display in the gallery space along with 480 other creatives from Saturday 3rd February until Sunday 28th April. It promises to be a huge celebration of the creative talent Manchester has to offer and I am very much looking forward to taking part.

Stay tuned for more information!

Upcoming show: Live with It at Mura Ma, Marple

Delighted to share news that I will be participating in Live with It (an artist-activated home environment):

“Somewhere between an expanded still life and a stage set – an invitation to participate in an imagined occupancy. Mise-en-scene.”

“A lived-in house is animated by assorted daylight practicalities: the tasks and furnishings associated with eating, cleaning, sleeping, revolving arrangements of domestic clutter; the comings and goings of friends, lovers, children, and relatives; or the intricate rituals of the solitary dweller.”

Co-curated by Jane Fairhurst and Nan Collantine, this exhibition will give way to an interior space furnished and inhabited with items made and found by thirty artists.

Jane Fairhurst and Kat Button will be activating the space with soft sculptures. There will also be items that carve up the space to create inner rooms and furniture pieces to denote the uses for each space. From these, the installation will be built in the gallery from the artworks and objects brought in by the artists.  Both artworks and objects will be available to buy from 2nd September – 21st October 2023.

The artists’ home is “a boundary between the world at large and the private centre, as a container of the everyday, and as an activated environment”.